CSR policy
CSR policy
Our commitments
Fibre Excellence is a committed group, a driving force in the regional economy. We are proud to use renewable forest biomass in our French plants.
For more than 60 years, we have been using French forestry resources, generating a sustainable business for more than 10,000 employees and partners.
We innovate and create solutions not only for prestigious French, European and international clients, but also to contribute to a more sustainable industry and to the reduction of our impact on the environment.
Fibre Excellence has been using French forestry resources for over 60 years
- One of our main commitments is to take care of our employees, our partners and the environment in which we operate. We make every effort to effectively and sustainably protect the health and safety of everyone.
- We have also set up actions to reduce our carbon footprint by using our ressources in a responsible manner, by reducing the companies waste and by raising our employee awareness of environmental issues.
- Promoting forest-related economic activities is also essential while guaranteeing the sustainability of timber resources for future generations.

Reducing our environmental footprint
Fibre Excellence's mills have implemented policies to reduce energy consumption, in particular by setting up an ISO 14001 certified management system.
100 % of timber resources are used by the Fibre Excellence Group:
- Logs from the maintenance and sustainable management of regional forests, as well as sawmill by-products, are used to make pulp.
- The bark separated from the logs before the pulping process is used in the mills’ biomass boilers.
Both Fibre Excellence mills produce more energy than they need.
The excess is fed back into the public electricity grid.
Saint-Gaudens mill (2020 figures)
Provence mill (2020 figures)